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REDD+ Measuring, Reporting and Verification- science solutions to policy challenges

Zeist, Netherlands

10-12 June, 2013


Workshop Summary

Workshop report (pdf)

A multi stakeholder participatory workshop on “REDD+ MRV – science solution to policy challenges”, hosted by the WWF Forest and Climate Initiative (www.panda.org/forestcarbon),  WWF Netherlands (www.wwf.nl) and Wageningen University REDD@WUR network (www.redd.wur.nl) was carried out from 10-12 June 2013 in Zeist, The Netherlands. The purpose of this workshop was to assess the status and development of monitoring approaches in light of the evolving REDD+ needs from different actors such as policy makers, national REDD+ experts, from local implementers, from donors and the private sector. The workshop involved 31 participants from scientific, public and private stakeholders.

Evolving REDD+ monitoring requirements and challenges from each stakeholder’s perspective were shared in presentation and discussion panels among participants. The most important gaps were identified and led to the development of research priorities with focus on better linking local and national REDD+ efforts on five themes namely:

  • Monitoring and Measurement

  • Reporting and Verification

  • Reference levels

  • MRV of Safeguards

  • Benefit sharing 

These issues were also discussed in the context of the outcomes of UNFCCC SBSTA 38 agenda item 4 draft text that was negotiated in parallel. The workshop output was a roadmap proposed by the working groups on solving the key requirements specified under the five main themes. Recommendations were made on what to do next, how to approach the issues, when to execute actions, and who to involve in the process. The participants took the commitment to take on the most critical tasks under the leadership of a WWF – WU partnership. This partnership will help to bridge dedicated research, local and national implementation, and the policy and political level that is essential to address the objectives in comprehensive manner. Further communications, including a detailed workshop report and executive summary are being prepared and will be published with all presentations and workshop documents soon at the WWF REDD+ community.

Monday, June 10,  2013

12.00-13.00 Lunch    
13.00-13.15 Welcome hosted by WWF-NL   Kristen Schuyt
13.15-13.30 Welcome: Why are we here?
Overview of the meeting objectives
Introductions & Expectations
House rules and logistics
  Harko Koster
Martin Herold

SESSION 1 Requirements for MRV to support REDD+ activities: different perspectives

13.30-13.40 What are evolving requirements for MRV on the international policy level?   Danae Maniatis (FAO/UN-REDD)
13.40-13.50 Evolving requirements from private sector?   Edith Kiss (ENECO)
13.50-14.00 Evolving requirements from local practioneers?   Thomas Barano
(WWF Indonesia)
14.10-14.20 Links between MRV and benefit sharing?   Margaret Skutsch
(Univ. Twente)
14.20-14.30 Social issues and MRV   Vanessa Retana (Consultant)
14.30-15.00 Short discussion
Q&A evolving requirements for MRV
  Chaired by: Derek Thompson
15.00-15.15 Break    

SESSION 2 Break out groups: Synthesizing challenges and emerging requirements

15.15-16.30 Dialogue among different actor asking for MRV?
Working groups discussing requirements from different REDD+ actor
Presentation of results + discussion
Document and summarize requirements for MRV from multiple actor’s international/ national policy, local implementers, benefit sharing and private sector?
  Summary & Day 1 Close    
16.30-17.00 Overview of the agenda for the next 2 days.
Missing points for the agenda?
  Moderator: Derek Thompson
18.00-20.00 Cooking Workshop for All participants    


Tuesday, June 11,  2013

09.00-09.15 Recap of Results of Day 1, Agenda for Day 2    
09.15-09.23 Local MRV practitioner   Arif Budiman
(WWF Indonesia)
09.23-09.31 National MRV expert   Peter Schlesinger (Consultant)
09.31-09.39 Private sector MRV   Moriz Vohrer (GCS)
09.39-09.47 MRV scientist: forest inventory   Rosa Goodman
(Univ. Leeds)
09.47-09.55 Biodiversity monitoring on MRV   Jan Willem den Beesten (IUCN NL)
09.55-10.03 Social science perspectives on MRV   Esther Turnhout (WUR)
10.03-10.11 Requirements from national implementers   Bryan Allicok (Guyana)
10.11-10.21 Synthesis of WWF experiences   Naikoa Aguilar-Amuchastegui
10.21-10.30 MRV scientist: remote sensing   Martin Herold (WUR)
10.30-10.40 SBSTA Summation   Peter Schiesinger (Consultant)
10.40-11.15 Q&A Discussion    
11.15-11-30 Break    

SESSION 3 Working groups: 3-5 hands on break out groups working on specific requirements and assess current gaps!

11.30-12.30 What is the progress being made? Identify key gaps and set basis for research priorities    
12.30-14.00 Lunch Break    
14.00-14.30 Report back: conclusions on gaps, dilemmas, next steps   Moderator: Derek Thompson
15.30-15.00 Discussion    
15.00-15.15 Break    

SESSION 4 Working groups: 3-5 hands on break out groups working on setting specific priorities to fill key gaps

15.15-16.15 Set up research agenda and priorities and actions to fill them    
16.15-17.00 Report back: conclusions, dilemmas, next steps    
17.00 Close of Day 2, Parking lot issues    


Wednesday, June 12, 2013


09.00-09.30 Recap of results of Day 2,
Agenda for Day 3
  Moderated by: Derek Thompson

SESSION 5 Developing a road map

09.30-10.30 Breakout working groups
on answering key issues raised from day 2
10.30-10.45 Break    
10.40-11.15 Report back:
conclusions, dilemmas, next steps
  Moderated by: Derek Thompson
11.15-12.00 Plenary discussion:    
12.00-12.30 Workshop Closure and agreement
Next Steps on the Road Map
  Harko Koster
Martin Herold
12:30-14:00 Lunch    


Participants List



Expertise Email Address

World Wide Fund for Nature

Arif Budiman WWF Indonesia REDD+ MRV expert abudiman@wwf.or.id
Derek Thompson Consultant Moderator


Hans Beukeboom WWF Netherlands Indonesia, REDD+, MRV hbeukeboom@wwf.nl
Harko Koster WWF Netherlands REDD+ (Host)


Javin Stan WWF Malaysia REDD+ sstan@wwf.org.my
Kirsten Schuyt WWF Netherlands WWF FCI and strategy kschuyt@wwf.nl

Naikoa Aguilar-Amuchastegui



Thomas Barano WWF Indonesia  



Brice Mora WU/GOFC-GOLD GOFC-GOLD office/Sourcebook coordinator brice.mora@wur.nl
Herold, Martin WU/GOFC-GOLD REDD+ MRV martin.herold@wur.nl
Kalkidan Mulatu WUR Intern kalkidan.mulatu@wur.nl
Margaret Skutsch Univ. Twente/UNAM MRV and benefit sharing mskutsch@ciga.unam.mx
Marijke van Kuijk Univ. Utrecht Environmental policy group M.vanKuijk@uu.nl)
Marjanneke Vijge WUR   marjanneke.vijge@wur.nl
Robert Ochieng WUR/PhD Student   m.robertochieng@gmail.com
Rosa Goodman University Leeds Ph. D Candidate rosa.goodman@gmail.com
Visseren-Hamakers, Ingrid WUR REDD+, governance, social science aspects of MRV ingrid.visseren@wur.nl

Public Sector

Bryan Allicock North Rupununi District Devel board   b.allicock.mrv@gmail.com
Danae Maniatis FAO/UN-REDD MRV expert Danae.Maniatis@fao.org
Marie Calmel ONF-international MRV marie.calmel@onf.fr

Private Sector

Adrian Rimmer Gold Carbon Standard Exec. Officer adrian.rimmer@cdmgoldstandard.org
Anabelle Olieveira Astrium   anabelle.oliviera@astrium.eads.net
Paulo Bello 33 Assetmanagement REDD project developer pbello@33assetmngt.com
Peter Schlesinger   Consultant pschles@gmail.com
Edith Kiss ENECO Carbon Trade Desk E.Kiss@eneco.nl
Moriz Vohrer The Gold Standard Foundation Technical Director for Land Use and Forests Moriz.vohrer@cdmgoldstandard.org
Tjeerd Wits Global Canopy Programme   Tjeerd.wits@gmail.com
Vanessa Retana Consultant on REDD+ Social and Governance Standards Social Safeguards vanessa.retana@gmail.com

Civil Society (NGO's)

Arina Schrier Wetlands International   arian.schrier@wetlands.org
Clovis Grignand ETC TERRA Carbon mapping - MRV project-national level (Partner of WWF Mada - Maminiaina Rasamoelina) c.grinand@etcterra.org
Jan Willem den Beesten IUCN-NL   janwillem.denbesten@iucn.nl
Neil Williams World Land Trust WLT REDD+ project implementation and development NeillWilliams@worldlandtrust.org

Additional information:

Webinar of Session 3.
Cooking workshop
  Pictures 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8