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Land Cover Implementation Team Co-Chairs
Martin Herold Wageningen UR
Curtis Woodcock Boston University
GOFC-GOLD Land Cover Office
Wageningen University Wageningen UR
Frederic Achard Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
Sergey Bartalev Space Research Institute (IKI), Russian Academy of Sciences
Ruth DeFries Columbia University
Matthew Hansen University of Maryland
Alex Held Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Hervé Jeanjean Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales
Josef Kellndorfer The Woods Hole Research Center
Thomas Loveland USGS EROS Data Centre
Philippe Mayaux Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
Hakan Olsson Swedish University of Agricultural Science
Devendra Pandey Forest Survey of India
Christiane Schmullius Friedrich-Schiller University Jena
Frank Martin Seifert European Space Agency
Carlos M. Souza Amazon Institut of People and the Environment - IMAZON
John Townshend University of Maryland
Mike Wulder Canadian Forest Service