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GLCNMO 2008 Training Dataset


The GLCNMO 2008 training dataset was developed by the ISCGM to produce the GLCNMO 2008 map product (Tateishi et al., 2014). The map product was developed based on MODIS data acquired during year 2008.
A total of 2,080 training polygons was collected globally. This dataset is based on an update of the sites from the GLCNMO V1 dataset. The metadata file available below provides detailed information. Please check Tateishi et al. (2014) for further information.

NOTE: the GOFC-GOLD Reference Data Portal provides one single shapefile that gathers all training sites from all continents. We provide below a link to the data portal where the original datasets can be downloaded from.

Tateishi, R., Hoan, N. T., Kobayashi, T., Alsaaideh, B., Tana, G., & Phong, D. X. (2014). Production of Global Land Cover Data – GLCNMO2008. Journal of Geography and Geology, 6(3), 99–122. doi:10.5539/jgg.v6n3p99

Access to the GLCNMO 2008 training data

Spatial distribution of the GLCNMO 2008 training dataset available on the the portal

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Access the GLCNMO 2008 dataset from the original repository