Workshop on step-wise approaches for national forest monitoring and REDD+ MRV capacity development
Wageningen, Netherlands
3-5 September, 2012
A synthesis report:
Mora, B., Herold, M., De Sy., V., Wijaya, A., Verchot, L. and Penman, J. 2012. Capacity development in national forest monitoring: experiences and progress for REDD+. Joint report by CIFOR and GOFC-GOLD. Bogor,
is now available on the CIFOR website.
GOFC-GOLD Land Cover Office and the CIFOR Global Comparative Study on REDD organize this workshop in the context of an increasing demand for the development of national forest monitoring capacities in the context of REDD+ Monitoring Reporting and Verification (MRV) and accurate estimation of Green House Gas emissions. This trend is supported by on-going international negotiations at UNFCCC SBSTA on REDD+. During the last SBSTA (in May 2012, the negotiations have highlighted a series of issues that will be further discussed and possibly decided at the next Conference of the Parties (COP) 18 in Doha in Nov./Dec. 2012. Key issues on REDD+ MRV and national forest monitoring includes:
- Consideration on step-wise approach building on existing forest monitoring systems and to incorporate better data for pools and/or gases and to improve methodologies over time
- The need to identify uncertainties and the possible use of conservativeness
- The possibilities of technical assessment of reported data and reference levels
This small expert meeting intends to provide a synthesis of the methodological advancements and recommendations for forest monitoring in the context of REDD+ MRV.
Objectives of the workshop
The main objectives of this meeting are:
- Discuss the recent United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) REDD+ negotiations and related needs to provide dedicated technical synthesis input.
- Present, discuss and synthesize experiences from REDD+ Monitoring Reporting and Verification (MRV) and national forest monitoring readiness and capacity development activities.
- Discuss a framework for step-wise approaches for improving national forest monitoring and REDD+ MRV capacity development, and other urgent REDD+ MRV issues
- Develop and consolidate ideas for a joint publication (i.e. journal paper, update of GOFC-GOLD Sourcebook, CIFOR policy brief) to be released at the Conference Of Parties (COP-18) in Doha.
Organizing Committee
Wageningen University, and GOFC-GOLD LC Project Office:
Brice Mora
Martin Herold
Lou Verchot
Rosita Go
The meeting is set up as a closed expert meeting. The list of invitees is provided in Appendix 1 and consists of the following groups:
- GOFC-GOLD Land Cover implementation team members
- Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
- Intergovernmental institutions (World Bank, FAO, IPCC, UNFCCC, European Commission, ESA)
- National forest monitoring experts (from Brazil, Guyana, India, Indonesia, Norway, Tanzania, Vietnam, Germany)
- Academic institutions (Wageningen U., Colegio de la Frontera Sur, CIGA)
- Other international experts active in REDD+ MRV capacity development (such as Winrock)
Detailed agenda
Individual presentations are expected to last 20 mins and to be followed by questions for 10 mins.
Participants List
Frédéric Achard
JRC – European Commission
Jagdesh Singh
Guyana Forestry Commission
Maarten van der Eynden
Norwegian Ministry of the Environment
Sandro Federici
Aarti Gupta
Nancy Harris
Martin Herold
Bernardus de Jong
El Colegio de la Frontera Sur
Kay Kallweit
Alex Lotsch
Worldbank FCPF
Erik Lindquist
Food and Agriculture Organization
Brice Mora
Daniel Murdiyarso
Devendra Pandey
former Director General of Forest Survey of India
Marielos Pena Claros
Jim Penman
Manh Cuong Pham
VNForests, Vietnam
Frank-Martin Seifert
European Space Agency
Margaret Skutsch
Ruandha Agung Sugardiman
Ministry of Forestry, Indonesia
Niki de Sy
Louis Verchot
Marjanneke Vijge
Ingrid Visseren-Hamakers
Arief Wijaya