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REDD+ Monitoring, and Measurement, Reporting and Verification workshop “Training the Trainers”
Second Regional Workshop, South America

Lima, Peru

July 4 – 7, 2016



La versión español está aquí


The performance-based climate mitigation framework REDD+ encourages the reduction of emissions related to deforestation and forest degradation, and removals through enhanced forest carbon stocks and improved forest management. These activities should be measured and reported to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) which requires methodologies for estimating actual emissions and removals and for establishing the reference level. UNFCCC requests countries to build robust and transparent national forest monitoring systems to facilitate the measurement and reporting of forest related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, following the guidelines and guidance from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Various training materials and tools are available that aim to support and facilitate country processes with the development of capacities for implementing a national system for monitoring forest area and area changes, the associated carbon stocks and changes; and for measuring, reporting and verification (MRV) of REDD+ activities. To make these materials more accessible for countries and REDD+ / forest monitoring professionals, four (4) regional one week workshops are planned in three different continents: one in South-East Asia (in English), one in Latin America (in Spanish) and two in Africa (in French and English). The basic concept of these workshop is to “train the trainers”. A selected group of around 35 participants from countries in each region (2-3 per country) will attend with the aim of further disseminating the gained knowledge and insights and train other relevant people who are involved in REDD+ monitoring and reporting in their country, in order to further build their capacities.
The workshops will be jointly organized in close collaboration with the different training and capacity building initiatives from World Bank FCPF, GFOI, Silvacarbon, FAO/UN-REDD,REDD+ partnership, Wageningen University, GOFC-GOLD, and Boston University. Organization of the workshops will be under the coordinating leadership of Wageningen University.

Workshop objectives

This workshop from 4 to 7 July in Lima, Peru, was the second of the series of four regional workshops. The aim of the workshop is to build upon existing expertise and experiences and to use available training materials and tools in a broad capacity development context to help build a countries’ capacities and to spread the use and increase the impact of available knowledge and tools.
After the successful completion of the workshop, participants should be able to become ‘multipliers’ by further disseminating the knowledge and experience gained and train other relevant people who are involved in REDD+ monitoring and reporting in their country. In the workshops, participants learn about the different training materials and tools that are available and how these different materials all fit together in the “bigger picture” of REDD+ MRV capacity building. Participants will also know how and where to make request for further appropriate training and make use of available tools for implementation. A direct interaction with leading international experts present at the workshop will be facilitated so specific issues can be discussed face to face.

Training materials presented during workshop

Workshop Report

You can access the workshop report here


World Bank Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (WB FCPF)
UN-REDD Programme of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO/UN-REDD)
REDD+ partnership
Global Forest Observations Initiative (GFOI)with funding from the Australian and Norwegian Governments
United States SilvaCarbon Program
GOFC-GOLD Land Cover Office
Wageningen University (WU)
Boston University (BU)

Organizing Committee Leaders

GOFC-GOLD Land Cover Project Office and Wageningen University
Erika Romijn – erika.romijn@wur.nl
Niki De Sy – niki.desy@wur.nl
Sarah Carter – sarah.carter@wur.nl
Martin Herold – martin.herold@wur.nl
Brice Mora – brice.mora@wur.nl

United States SilvaCarbon Program
Sylvia Wilson – snwilson@usgs.gov
Liesbeth Rodríguez – liesbeth.2329@gmail.com
Chelsea Cook – cjcook@usgs.gov

Workshop contact email:

GOFC-GOLD Wageningen University


US Department of Interior


Day 1, 4 July - Opening, Introductions and Training WB/GOFC-GOLD training materials: Presentation of (selection and/or combination) of GOFC-GOLD training materials, including discussion


Registration and coffee

  Sarah Carter & Alvaro Lau


Welcome word from organising team and sponsors:

  • Inge Jonckheere (UNREDD)
  • Zenia Salinas (World Bank FCPF)
  • Rosa Román (Wageningen / GOFC-GOLD)
  • Sylvia Wilson (SilvaCarbon)

General introduction to capacity building programmes and tools


Inge Jonckheere

10.00-10.30 Tour de table  

Workshop participants


Coffee break


World Bank FCPF / Winrock REDD+ decision support tool


Zenia Salinas


An introduction to the REDDcompass


Jenny Hewson


Interactive discussion on country-specific issues and needs.
Results from questionnaire (Rosa Roman)


Inge Jonckheere

Workshop participants




Interactive discussion on country-specific issues and needs – continued


Inge Jonckheere

Workshop participants


Session 1: Presentation of GOFC-GOLD training materials, including discussion (various presenters)


Rosa Román

Coffee break


Session 2: Presentation of GOFC-GOLD training materials, including discussion (various presenters)


Rosa Román



Day 2, 5 July - Training WB/GOFC-GOLD training materials: Presentation of (selection and/or combination) of GOFC-GOLD training materials, including discussion


Session 3: Presentation of GOFC-GOLD training materials, including discussion (various presenters)

  Rosa Román

Capacity building system in Mexico

  Zuelclady Araujo

Coffee break


Session 4: Presentation of GOFC-GOLD training materials, including discussion (various presenters)

  Rosa Román

Community based monitoring tools

  Alvaro Lau

REDD+ compass, themes, concepts, actions
Registering for the REDD-compass

  Jenny Hewson



Session 5: Presentation of GOFC-GOLD training materials, including discussion (various presenters)


Rosa Román


Costa Rica: baseline reference emissions levels (FREL)

  Leonel Iglesias

The Scolel'te Program

  Elsa Esquivel Bazán
Coffee break


Introduction on using different available tools


Sylvia Wilson


REDD + MINAM Project: Conservation of native forests, Peru


Eduardo Rojas Baez


Forest carbon monitoring systems


Edersson Cabrera Montenegro




Sylvia Wilson


Day 3, 6 July - Introduction of available tools, and further opportunities


Interactive session with time for different presentations

  Rosa Román / presenters

FAO UN-REDD capacity building programme


Inge Jonckheere
Adolfo Kindgard
Angel Parra Aiuguiar

Coffee break


GFOI platform and REDDcompass (interactive Exercises)

  Jenny Hewson




FAO Open Foris /SEPAL/NFI/NFMA tools

Methodology for producing change maps


Inge/Adolfo/Angel/Jose Serafini Gauto


Introduction to activities in South America and CookBook Annex (Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI), Japan)


Luis Alberto Vega Isuhuaylas

Coffee break


Hands on exercise on World Bank Decision support tool


Zenia Salinas


Evening social activity: Tour and dinner


All workshop participants


Day 4, 7 July - Developing a capacity building plan for trainers


Interactive session (parallel session) with time for with different presenters

  Rosa Román / All presenters

Interactive session: BEEODA and uncertainty exercise

  Eric Bullock

Coffee break


Interactive session: BEEODA and uncertainty exercise

  Eric Bullock



Introduction to the COVE tool


Paul Kessler


Interactive session (parallel session) with time for with different presenters


Rosa Román

Coffee break


Workshop closing and certificates


Sylvia Wilson